Okay, translator job scams do exist

12 Jan 2025 - AJ

I mentioned translators last week and then I ran across a couple of scams that did affect them. It turns out translators are subject to a fair amount of scams as well - though different from the task-based job scam I was covering last week.

So mea culpa, even if you have a good skillset you can still get hit with scams.

I generally differentiate between scummy companies that don’t pay their employees (and just as scummy if not more zombie debt collectors) and scammers. One actually does provide a legit service (kinda sorta) but just fails to pay for work done for them, while the other is a straight out scam. The other tries to wring money out of innocent people who just want to work and be paid for it.

(Also, for those in Los Angeles, may everything turn out well - and if you’re looking to help fire victims, do yourself a favor and research how to avoid fake charities and fake disaster GoFundMes!)